Litigation or court procedures are important to enforce rights whether one is claiming, accusing or defending. If one can avoid court procedures, one should. This is however easier said than done in some cases. Each matter should be analyzed on its perculiar or specific facts ad then evaluated to determine what would be the best course of action.
Often a commercial settlement is better than a court battle. In some instances it is a combination of a commercial settlement negotiation and some court work. Read more about the following litigation related aspects:
Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) can also be employed to end acrimonious differences. ADR takes different forms and should even be built into contracts where the situation demands. At its most basic form, there should at least be provided for negotiation before parties rush off to court. Failing negotiation, there is still mediation and arbitration.
If your claim is small, you can represent yourself in the small claims court. Read more....